We can't stop relatives from being annoying, but we can give you the information and legal knowledge you need to support you in protecting the interests of your charity.

At the centre of the day is an interactive case study on testamentary capacity, knowledge and approval, and undue influence. Many challenges to Wills are based on one or more of these concepts, but the relationship between them isn't always understood. Some family members think they are all different versions of the same thing and adopt a "kitchen sink" approach, pleading all three of them. This case study will provide a comprehensive legal update in a practical, relevant and accessible format.

The seminar will provide an update on the implementation of the Charities Act 2022, to include a full review of the provisions affecting property sales by charities and the need (or not) for reports under section 119 Charities Act 2011.

Debbie Ashenhurst, former in-house legal adviser at The Guardian, will talk on legal aspects of reputation management.

Regular contributors Berrys will provide an update on the residential property market, to include tips on selling Probate properties in a difficult market.

And Fiona Campbell-White will provide her customary quick-fire review of relevant cases which have been decided in the past 12 months.